Monday, March 3, 2014

Richmond Depot III- Part 2

With heavy snowfall today, little else to do, and a growing backlog of other sewing projects, I decided to continue work on this jacket. The body is finished up, leaving the sleeves left.

Picking up from where I left off, the bottom edges of the lining and the shell are attached together. It's then turned and pressed.

After turning it, the lining pieces are basted down to their counterparts

With everything held in place by pins and basting, the outside edges are felled down over the lapel facings, an under the inner collar

Once the perimeter is felled down, the lining is done. Here's the complete body lining.

After this, the outside of the jacket is topstitched, and nine hand-worked buttons are added onto the front

Here's a close-up of one of the button and buttonhole. 

The buttonhole on this original RDII jacket is about similar, though mine have a higher stitch count.
The thread I'm using is logwood dyed, so with time and exposure it'll fade to the brown color seen in the original thread.

 And the completed body. All nine Script I buttons are added, topstitching done, and lining complete. What remains is completing the sleeves and adding them on.

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